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Monday, March 26, 2012

Creativity and New Media

So I was able to gain access to new media today but wasn't sure what route I would take. I decided to take the Second Life path. The reason for this was to see just how the virtual world works and just how many people are in this world. I was able to create an account for my self and realized this world is much more developed than I imagined. First I has to pick an avatar:

Then I entered the 3D world and saw that there were many ways to flow through this world:

I hope to learn more with this new media by trying to interact with people in this world, listen to music, fly a plane, bungee jump and even drive a race car of my liking.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Creativity is something that is generated in parallel with new media as we learn when reading all of the articles related to user generated ideas. With Twitter as a prime example, users are the ones who generate what gets applied for usage in new media. When you look at Twitter itself, it was a user generated site that evolved strictly from user demand. As depicted in the article "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers by CLAIRE CAIN MILLER" the creation of the @ symbol when referring to another user in their tweets. It also allowed other users to view the profile of the person who has been mentioned in a specific Tweet.

Creativity is highly embraced when dealing with new media in that companies are allowing users to be the innovators for their sites progression. The # tag symbol was another user demanded advent on Twitter. Although management did not like the idea and figured it would not catch on, users showed that they were wrong an indeed this feature was a must have for the sites existence.

Disney also experienced creativity through new media when their characters were used in a style of new media called a mashup. In the article, Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why? The New York Times, September 24, 2007; available at,some famous rappers made a song/video that was on Youtube that was named "Crank That". They essentially remade the character movements into a clipped together in a reworked order that mimicked the songs and videos flow. Disney did embrace this change and never thought twice about this being an issue because it was a creative way of utilizing their product.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

With the invention of virtual worlds, people now have the ability to bring their wildest dreams to life, even if it isn't possible in our physical world. We know that with the implementation of anything there is always a good and bad perspective that can be taken on it. When virtual reality is in effect, the good side of it can be seen as exemplified in the article "In Room 100, It's Sid and Nancy All Over Again,” by Saki Knafo, we see that when you have a passion for something like restoring your memories and making it into your own twisted reality, you get the the reconstruction of the Chelsea Hotel pre-renovations. You also get the room with the blood splattered walls in which Sid Vicious killed his wife which gives the creator the added satisfaction of being creative.

Another positive spin that you get from VW's (Virtual World's) is the fact that you can now live a life you might not otherwise be able to live in the real world. In the video "A Second Life on Second Life", you get the narrator talking about him living the life of a normal person. Being a paraplegic, these things are not possible in the real world so the creation of happiness can be another benefit of VW's. His ability to walk through the park, swim with the fishes or even just dancing with a friend is now possible.

Being able to conduct and attend a meeting with other government officials seems to be a great benefit for all participants in the meeting. Literally not having to be in the room physically, yet still be able to attend is a real possibility as depicted in the article “No Budget, No Boundaries: It’s the Real You” by RUTH LA FERLA, the New York Times, Oct 22, 2009.

 Discussing the dark side of the VW world could lead to people meeting up with other avatars in these virtual worlds and possibly promote virtual stalking. Just like chat rooms, virtual 3D rooms could lead to those kinds of things where people can be enthralled with another user of the VW world and possibly try to meet up leading to possibly promote harm to these users. Gaining access to real life structures such as the Pentagon could possibly pose a huge security threat if a hacker gains access to a secured government virtual room and learn the floor plans and layout of the building.

If I had to guess I would say that virtual worlds will probably be placed more in the fore front of our business and personal lives then it is today. Being able to schedule a meeting with someone in Australia and actually being able to interact with them for business purposes will be an astronomical benefit for the work that we do for our business.

Socially, being able to interact with a family member who is at war in Afghanistan virtually will put you with your loved one. Sitting with them at the family welcome center or walking the streets of Kabul with your loved one to see what they have to live through everyday would make a lot more people happier in living their lives.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Social Networking Sites

When working with social networking sites I noticed a lot of similarities as well as distinct differences when using them on a daily basis. The similarities between Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and LinkedIn was that immediately they require you to sign up with them in order to use there services. They also required information of some sort from you whether it be just your name, address and email. They all give you the ability to add a picture of yourself for reference purposes. The ability to invite new members via these sites is a big feature they use since way it is done is through email.

The differences on these sites are more refined uses of the similarities between the sites. On Facebook we can send invitations members for private events that arise. LinkedIn and Myspace have this feature capability but Twitter does not.  

Blog about Twitter

A Twitter discussions for forums such as a classroom when compared to an in class Blackboard Discussion page or even a blog discussion, seems to be a better fit for arenas of technical collaboration. In regards to the size of a classroom it could be of great benefit when you are dealing with a large number of students or participants of a twitter discussion. The best part is the fact that the responses are real time and can be seen immediately if necessary. Getting status updates on messages you have sent in the form of a "retweet" can clarify just exactly who is sending you a response to one of your status updates. 

With Blackboard we see that the responses are easy to understand but you don't know right away if someone has responded. You need to check to see if somene did in fact respond. The look of the page is very bland and sort of boring when dealing with a forum for discussion. A Blog works well for me in my opinion but it has its drawbacks in that as the owner of the blog you need to make your page readable to all people and not just some verified users of the blog world.  

If I had to use anyone of these discussion forums I would use Twitter because it would serve of the best form of marketing for my business in the long run which allows you to reach many at no real cost.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Social Networking

When dealing with social networks, corporations have the ability to improve in many ways. One of those ways could be the improved communication of information within a business. having a better pipeline of information flow can save hundreds of thousands of dollars for a company. Not having to pay for this information by hiring consultants or flying in consultants to present ways to help the business cut there cost on many fronts. As noted in the article Social Networking at IBM: Maclean's Feb 4, 2008 "What's Next? Your Future in Social Networking" vol 121, p. 42., collaboration between people of the same industry can create new ways for businesses to grow and a speedier rate.

With things being viewed as being good there is always a dark side to the social networking world as we know it. With the ability of users of social sites, hackers have access to users accounts which contain loads of information. Site pages such as twitter tend to channel bad information to the virtual world. We also see that as a result of social networking sites it allows first level viewing of our lives. The government uses this as a way to track us whether we would like to accept it or no. They even make it a known statement as it is noted in the article "How Obama Tapped Into Social Networks’ Power," by David Carr, The New York Times. November 10, 2008; at
People will need to make sure that they do no wrong because they will be discovered as a result by big brother.

For the future of social networking sites I would say that they will play a big role in catching criminals all around the world. The medium of how television is now will become transitioned to the techno age via the internet. Social updates from the Facebook may place a notice to all Facebook members from the government about a criminal that is armed and dangerous and should not be approached.

I see new media having a big impact both positively and negatively on our society but the good shall prevail.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blogs vs. Wikis

I tried using both a wiki and blog since its inception. I've noticed that they both serve a specific purpose. With Blogs you are able to voice your opinion without any editing by other users on the page. Even when you make errors to your post, your mistakes are made for the world to see without the ability of the post to be edited by a fellow visitor.  This is noted in the article "Stung by the Perfect Sting," By Maureen Dowd, The NY Times, Aug 25, 2009.

On the other hand with Wiki's it clearly understood that when a mistake is made by a contributor anyone on the wikipage is capable of editing this page. Seeing how this process works, this new media could have the most impact in the Management of Businesses. Having to create processes, editing policy and procedures or even having a virtual meeting on the wiki could potentially have significant benefits to the business. The article "How to Use Wikis for Business," by Ezra Goodnoe, Information Week, August 8, 2005,
notes "In the corporate environment, wikis are best implemented behind a firewall for a wholly internal user base."